Friday, February 12, 2010


STAY AT HOME AND PROFIT is easier than you think. We all dream of profitable business ideas. We all dream of the ability to stay home profits and skipping the got to work thing.

We all know the headaches with going to work and doing our job. We all dreams of having the same results or better than what we are getting at our job. Sure it’s secure to some degree. Let us suppose that you the employee will never get downsized, position eliminated or in other words, laid off, or fired. Let's suppose the economy is perfect.

Okay, I know my dad was able to work at the same job for 17 years and he quit. Went to work at another job for 17 years and retired. It was stable and steady income.

Hey we can’t all have government or state jobs. The upside to being an employee is you really don’t have to think too hard. Just do your job to the best of your ability.

The downside of your job may be the one you answer too looks over your shoulder and evaluates your performance etc. The person you work with may be fun or may be on your nerves more than not. Nothing is perfect completely in any work environment.

Aside from hitting the alarm clock, hopping out of bed to hop in traffic after the coffee, shower, shave, deodorant, breakfast, and toothpaste, starting the car, and grabbing the lunch pail or briefcase heading out the door to rush to work and be on time. What could be better than that?

How about stay home and profit?

How about honest days pay for an honest days work? That sounds good. Yes!

What if the month is too long and the pay is too short? How does that sound?

Well if you’re like most folks you are on a budget right? Yes

What if you could earn the same amount of money at home as on the job and keep both paychecks? Why? You may love your job and the socialization is probably awesome.

What if you could double your income and skip the office environment completely? Would that be of interest to you? It certainly interests me. What if you could stay at home and profit. Did you know one of the most go-ogled searches are “Stay Home and Profit searches”? “Work at home”. “Stay at home business”. “Work from home. “Part time Income etc. We’re talking 10 million searches per month.

Why? Is the economy great? What do you think? Is there a market here? Yes if you have the answer, no, if you don’t.

Well someone has the answers. I am aware of non-predator sites that actually deliver the goods that are promised…you know the $60k a month folks who figured out the pitfalls and grasp the advantages to make the internet a finely honed money making machine with integrity.

What if you could bring in an additional 50, 500, 1000, and 1500 per month? What if you could be taught to multiply the above efforts 10 times over? The internet is a workaholic. The internet does not sleep. There are programs that are available that work 24 hrs a day with little maintenance required. You put in 40 hrs a week at work for a set income. Would you put 40 hrs a week for unlimited income?

We have access to a mare that can run. Not one, but many mares that can run, some better than others. Once you know the liberating secret, you can run as many as you like.

Stay at home income is awesome and will change the way you dress, shave, put deodorant on in the morning. A surprising energy of doing your own thing will overcome you at night thinking about all the good you are going to accomplish during every new day.

We really have an opportunity amidst the scams that exist, lame programs that are in abundance on the internet. In the same note, there are more good apples than rotten. Do you want to stay at home and profit? I do.

Frank Nelson